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Varicose Veins or Spider Veins - What's the Difference?

Varicose veins and spider veins are often confused with each other and used synonymously by many people. However, there are a lot of differences. Here we will explain those differences so you can identify what you have, and what is the best vein treatment plan.

Varicose veins are veins that are large, swollen, twisted, and are protruding from under the skin. Sometimes they are visible with the naked eye, but many times, they are not visible with simple examination.
Telangiectasia (aka Spider veins) are tiny capillaries right on the surface of the skin. These usually form tiny networks or "webs" (hence the term "spider veins") and can be either pink/purple or red in color.
What do Varicose Veins and Spider Veins have in common?
1. They are both unsightly and are of a cosmetic concern for most patients
2. They can both cause symptoms of heaviness, aching and tiredness
3. They both are often the result of an underlying cause
4. They can both be treated with the latest technological advancements in Venous Disease
The big differences between the two is in appearance:
1. Varicose veins are large, swollen blood vessels that are twisted. They form in the legs.
2. Spider veins are smaller and have a more web-like appearance. Also, spider veins can form on the legs, chest, and even on the face.
Patients with varicose veins and spider veins can be treated in the same manner many times. If you think you have either of these, you should find a vein treatment clinic near me near you and have a thorough examination and detailed assessment. Screenings with advanced technology to diagnose vein disease such as a Duplex Ultrasound Machine can determine the extent of venous disease.
One should never assume that spider veins or varicose veins are only on the surface of the skin and not part of a larger medical issue. Spider veins and varicose veins are usually an indicator of severe underlying venous disease. It is troubling to see patient after patient receive no formal evaluation of their veins despite obvious symptoms. This is not only counter-productive and costly but also dangerous.
The rule should be to always have your legs properly assessed before any vein treatment---a simple ultrasound can help you find a cure with the best treatment plan.

Living with varicose and spider veins can be unsightly, painful, and can have longterm health effects. It is important to get your vein disease assessed and diagnosed by a vein doctor who specializes in venous specialties.